We have been to Organ Stop Pizza twice. What an experience with a theater organ that is unlike any we have ever seen or heard. And the pizza is pretty darn good too! The building was built for this organ and the acoustics are outstanding. It has 6000 pipes with many instrument attachments and it all can be seen including the air bellows.
Our Tubac trip was cancelled and we were sure disappointed, but maybe next year! Instead we went on a boat trip on Lake Saguaro. It is one in a series of lakes formed by dams. This one is a very narrow 10 mile lake. The boat covers 5 miles. After that is is to narrow for a large boat. Beautiful desert scenery.
Mountains and very deep water right up to the edge of the cliffs.
Some Saguaro cactus grow an unusual top and are very rare. Here is one of those cactus called a Crested Saguaro.
And, yes we have Bald Eagles here!
We spent three Mondays going to Phoenix for minor laser surgery on Pam's eyes. At least we enjoyed great lunches thanks to our daughters Christmas gift of restaurant cards. These are restaurants we would not normally go to, but boy were they good and we might just go back now! We sure love those food gift cards!
There is a 3 day park party with activities, food and a street dance right now. Today we will be watching the golf cart races - yea it is a retired peoples park with lots of golf carts! Tonight we will be selling the pop and ice cream for the street dance. Lots of other games for those that wish to play!
The season is winding down and people are heading north already - mostly Canadians that have to get across the border and those with homes. Our travel schedule is now updated for our summer trip. Things are slowing down and our calendar now has empty days on it! Good thing, cause we are ready for pool time!
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