We have become involved with changing the park from an illegal 40+ park to a legal 55+ park. We started just a couple of weeks ago and tomorrow is the community meeting, followed by surveying all the occupants and a lot of other paperwork to comply with the laws. That has kept us busy everyday and looks like it will be that way until March when it will be finalized and we will be done!
We took a day to go with a group to the Mystery House in Phoenix. It was built by an eccentric man in the 1920's from recycled materials. After his death, his daughter came to live there until her death in Nov. 2010. Three employees that had worked for her for 30+ years conduct tours.
The daughters bedroom is not on the tour because her cat still lives there. After the tour you are free to wander about the sprawling home.
It sits on a hill south of Phoenix and what a view from every patio and every window.
It is filled with art work, some of it very unusual. There is "stuff" everywhere. Every room is full! And with all this stuff filling every surface, piece of furniture and the floor, there was no dust or dirt anywhere! And this place is really big- lots of rooms!
There are lots of outdoor patios and fireplaces connecting different parts of the house. The only heat anywhere is fireplaces.
After, we all met at Applebees for a fun time and very good lunch. We can highly recommend the unlimited soup and salad, especially the french onion soup and the shrimp, spinach salad!
Next up is Organ Stop Pizza and Tubac!