We have finally turned the corner on weather. It is now sunny and warm like it is supposed to be! We have had enough rain and cold for this winter. On a beautiful calm, sunny day we went on a balloon ride. It was awesome!
The guys all had to help get the balloon ready. It sure looks big on the ground.
There was absolutely no wind so we just floated without moving much. Lots of fields with a hill here and there. Quite a system of canals from two rivers that converge here. It is easy to see how dust storms start here with so many dirt fields with a few areas of housing. This is where we live from up above.
We plan on going to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta next October and we may just have to go on a balloon ride again! It was so much fun and except for the burners, it is so quiet up there just floating along.
Now we are in full swing for January activities and committees. More to come!