We did our first cruise on the "Big Muddy" on a steam powered sternwheeler. What a great time we had complete with delicious creole lunch!
Of course a visit must include cafe au lait and beignets at Cafe de Monde, so we enjoyed that treat one morning. Also visited the French Market which turned out to be a flea market of the usual "stuff". Walked lots of streets in the French Quarter.
New Orleans is known for its street entertainers and they are everywhere doing many different things. Of course they all want a tip and one could spend a lot of money tipping all of them!
Ralph went to the WW II Museum, while Pam walked in the French Quarter and found a street called Pirates Alley that was her favorite place in the French Quarter.
For a change, it was very warm, more like HOT, and humidity to match - they broke records! Usually we are breaking the "cold" records, so a pleasant change.
We stayed in a park on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain and drove the 24 mile causeway over the lake - worlds longest bridge! It is quite the bridge with its own police force.
We enjoyed our visit here, but time to move on down the road!